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Announcing the availability of telehealth

Promoting telehealth helps build awareness about how patients can easily access the care and services you provide. It's also an opportunity to remind patients not to put off routine and preventative care appointments.

Once you’re ready to let your patients know that you offer telehealth, you’ll want to communicate this in multiple ways. Think about participating in a variety of events and connecting to patients from different backgrounds. Promoting telehealth helps increase visibility of your services and educates patients about their options for accessing care.

You may consider:

  • Updating your website
  • Sending an email to patients
  • Mailing a letter or postcard
  • Sharing information via social media such as live video streaming
  • Announcing services in local newspapers and radio
  • Placing brochures or handouts in multiple languages in your waiting room
  • Publicizing to local community groups and religious organizations
  • Attending community events such as health fairs, school or public library events

For details on marketing telehealth: